a paper for GPCE 2005 is submitted
The last days were very hard. Usual activity was abandoned in favour of writing a paper for the GPCE 2005 conference.
The deadline was April 15, 23:59, Apia time. The timezone is very strange, especially because the confenrece and organizers are in Europe. Probably it's because they use the services of the site "easychair.org" which is located somewhere in Apia.
The paper was submitted at 16 April local time, at the end of 15 April Netherland time, but before the deadline:
$ LANG=C TZ=Pacific/Apia date Fri Apr 15 09:50:12 WST 2005
I think the paper will not be accepted. I don't like some parts of it and feel that it should be rewritten. And I'm sure they will laugh at my poor English. However, the topic is quite interesting, so organizers may risk and invite me.