WingDings font in LaTeX
My documents should use WingDings font, so I've added the font to LaTeX. It wasn't easy task because (1) the font is True Type (2) the font encoding is non-standard.
During work on the task, I was logging my actions. I think my notes can help to install other special True Type fonts, such as WebDings and similar. The text implies that a reader has experience of installing Type1 fonts.
From WINGDING.TTF (standard Windows font)
wingding.afm, wingding.pfb
$ ttf2pt1 -a -b wingding.ttf
$ ttf2afm -c xx wingdings.ttf $ mv xx.e10 wingding.enc
plus manual correction: /Encoding1 to /WingdingEncoding
afm2tfm wingding.afm -T wingding.enc wingding.tfm
In usual places. Use the names "pwdr.pfb", "pwdr.tfm", "wingding.enc"
In the map file:
pwdr Wingdings-Regular " WingdingEncoding ReEncodeFont " <wingding.enc <pwdr.pfb
\\ProvidesFile{upwd.fd}[2005/09/23 font definitions for U/pwd.] \\DeclareFontFamily{U}{pwd}{} \\DeclareFontShape{U}{pwd}{m}{n}{< ->pwdr}{} \\endinput
Don't forget to run:
$ texconfig rehash
\\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{pifont} \\begin{document} Windows logo: \\Pisymbol{pwd}{255} \\end{document}
Font table
Use "nfssfont.tex".