LaTeX to EPS
I'm a bit furious. I spent a lot of time on getting EPS from LaTeX. Portability of PostScript and PDF is a great myth. This idea works only in theory. But in practice, one has to struggle with buggy software.
Finally, I've found a working sequence of conversion commands.
cp latex/312nn081.tex tmp/312nn081.tex
cd tmp; latex 312nn081.tex
dvips -E -o tmp/312nn081.eps tmp/312nn081.dvi
pstoedit -f ps -dt tmp/312nn081.eps tmp/
ps2epsi tmp/ tmp/312nn081_2.eps
../pictures_converter/bin/epstosmth --gsdev=tifflzw \
tmp/312nn081.eps --outfile=tmp/312nn081.tif
epstool --add-user-preview tmp/312nn081.tif tmp/312nn081_2.eps \
I already wrote about "epstosmth":
The main feature of EPS files produced this way:
Both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe FrameMaker open the EPS files without complaints.