XML to paper publishing with manual intervention

My paper "XML to paper publishing with manual intervention" is accepted for XATA 2010 (XML: Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas), 19 and 20 May, Vila do Conde, Portugal. Abstract:

Existing tools consider XML to paper conversion as one black box step and provide control only through predefined options. With this approach, tuning the layout of output documents is a burdensome task.

The paper advocates a new workflow for XML to paper conversion, in which a separate step allows the user to fine control the layout. The changes made by the user are remembered and later can be automatically re-applied during publishing an updated version of the document.

A possible technical implementation for the workflow is suggested. TeX is used as a typesetting engine. XML to TeX conversion is made using XSLT and TeXML. The management of changes is performed by diff and patch tools.

Categories: publishing science TeX TeXML
